About the Conference
The 2nd International Young Carers Conference (held from 28th to 31st May 2017 in Malmö, Sweden) focused on the theme “Every child has the right to…”. Stakeholders from different sectors and from across the world agreed that young carers should be able to enjoy the same rights as any other children and pointed out that the vision put forward by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is still far from being a reality for many young carers.
The 3rd International Young Carers Conference will build on these conclusions and will reflect on the concrete actions required to enable young carers to reach their full potential. The need to “IDENTIFY, SUPPORT, AND LISTEN TO YOUNG CARERS” are the main recommendations identified by young carers themselves during the previous conference and this entails the participation of a wide range of stakeholders.
Research, policies, practices, legislation and ‘first hand’ experiences around these main themes will therefore be shared in order to reinforce mutual learning among stakeholders and countries.
Participants are expected to learn about strategies implemented in different countries (what worked, what did not work, what can be replicated) to move forward in the classification of in-country awareness and policy responses to young carers (Leu & Becker, 2016). In so doing, we can move forward in our vision: one where young carers can fully enjoy the human rights they are entitled to.
The Conference will be co-hosted by Nka (The Swedish Family Care Competence Centre) Linnaeus University and Eurocarers.
A Conference about young carers with young carers
The 3rd International Young Carers Conference will be rooted in the principles of co-design: no meaningful discussion about young carers can take place without young carers’ active engagement. This principle was already at the core of the Conference in 2017, where young carers’ voices were heard loud and clear. One of the main results of these efforts consisted in the creation of a Eurocarers Young Carers Working Group, which is now part of Eurocarers core structure.
Back at the time of its formation, the group brought together 17 members from 9 States. Today, the group has doubled in size to include 30 young carers, young adult carers or former young carers from 11 countries. The mission of this community of experts by experience is to inform Eurocarers’ work and to advocate for policies and practices that enable young carers to pursue their goals in life. The Eurocarers Young Carers Working Group will naturally play a central role in the planning and implementation of the Conference. More information on the Eurocarers Young Carers working group is available here.
Who should participate and why?
This Conference is open to all researchers, civil society organisations, practitioners, decision makers, service providers and policy makers interested to learn about and hear from young carers themselves.
Naturally, young carers or former young carers are warmly invited to participate in the conference and share their experiences, should they wish to do so.
By means of exchanging experiences and learning from each other, participants can expect to leave the conference with practical ideas on how to identify, support and engage with young carers back at home.
We all have a role to play to enable young carers to pursue their goals in life and reach their full potential!
Last Updated on March 11, 2021