Young Carers’ Fair Futures
About the venue

The conference will be held at the Manchester Metropolitan University:
Manchester Metropolitan University
Brooks Building
53 Bonsall Street
M15 6GX
Plenary sessions and live streaming
Our whole conference takes place in the Brooks Building at Manchester Metropolitan University, making it easy and convenient to travel between rooms and sessions. The main conference plenary sessions (on 10 and 11 April) take place in Lecture Theatre 3 in the Brooks Building. Everything in Brooks is accessible, and all plenaries, workshops, symposia and short presentations, plus refreshment breaks and lunches, take place in Brooks.
We are pleased to inform you that we will also be live streaming the main plenary sessions into a smaller lecture theatre next to the large (main) lecture theatre. We know that some attendees feel more comfortable in a room which is less full (the conference is oversubscribed so the main lecture theatre will be at full capacity with up to 200 people). If the main lecture theatre is full, or if you feel uncomfortable in that room, then please attend the live streaming of the plenary sessions in the room next door. This will have more space and will be more comfortable for attendees who prefer that kind of environment. Thank you.
Conference Agenda
Time | Event | Place |
11:30 – 1:00 | Registration & Lunch | MMU Brooks Foyer |
1:15 – 2:45 | Workshop 1 | Seminar Room |
2:45 – 3:15 | Break | Spanish Steps |
3:15 – 4:45 | Workshop 2 | Seminar Room |
4:45 - 5:15 | Debrief for all | Lecturer Theatre |
Time | Event | Place |
8:45 – 10:00 | Registration & Refreshments | MMU Brooks Foyer |
10:00 – 10:15 | Conference Open and Welcome Professor Saul Becker | Lecture Theatre |
10:15 - 11:15 | Plenary 1 - Welcome & Young carers speak out: Voices of current young carers Young carers Moderated by Andy McGowan | Lecture Theatre |
11:15 -11:45 | Break/travel to Workshop | |
11:45 – 1:00 | Session 1 | Seminar Rooms |
1:00 – 2:00 | Lunch | Foyer/ Spanish Steps (TBC) |
2:00 – 3:15 | Plenary 2 - Research Approaches: Data that makes a difference Becca Lacey Professor Saul Becker Moderated by Elizabeth Hanson | Lecture Theatre |
3:15 – 3:45 | Break/travel to workshop | |
3:45– 5:00 | Session 2 | Seminar Rooms |
5:00 – 5:30 | Final reflections | Lecture Theatre |
7:00/7:30 – 9:30 | Optional Dinner | Manchester United Football Club (Book via the Registration Page) |
Time | Event | Place |
8:45 – 9:15 | Welcome Refreshments | MMU Brooks Foyer |
9:15 – 10:30 | Plenary 3 - International Policy Development: Perspectives from around the world Dr Ally Dunhill Rohati Chapman Elizabeth Hanson Anil Patil Moderated by Stecy Yghemonos | Lecture Theatre |
10:30 – 11:00 | Break/travel to Workshop | |
11:00 – 12:15 | Session 3 | Seminar Rooms |
12:15 – 1:15 | Lunch | Spanish Steps |
1:15 – 2:30 | Plenary 4 - Making an Impact: Former young carers delivering change Stefani Buoni Maddy Buchner Andy McGowan Elisabeth Lied Moderated by Krista Cartlidge | Lecture Theatre |
2:30 – 3:00 | Break/travel to Workshop | |
3:00 – 4:15 | Session 4 | Seminar Rooms |
4:15 - 4:45 | Closing remarks | Lecture Theatre |
Individual Session Agenda
You can view the individual session options below and once you have selected one session per time slot please use the registration below to register your preference. The sessions are split into three categories:
A single focused event with a facilitator/presenter, which attendees participate in activity or discussion
A series of (between 2-4) short presentations grouped by a specific theme, followed by Q & A
4 like presentations on a specific theme, brought together by one convenor
Young Carers will be participating in some of these sessions.
Theme: | Format | Number of presentations | Title and Author | Subheading |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Celebrating Young Carers: The Young Carers Festival by Little Dreamers (Australia) Now presented by Madeleine Buchner | The Australian Young Carers Festival |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 2 | 1. Raising Awareness and Changeing Practices: The French Healthcare Professionals' Viewpoint Pauline Justin, Géraldine Dorard, Valentyn Fournier, Aurélie Untas 2. Teachers' Perspectives on Siblings as Young Carers Krister Fjermestad, Caitlin Prentice | Professional Perspectives on Young Carers |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Occupational Therapy and Its Application in the Support of Young Carers and Their Families Chris Hall | Occupational Therapy with Young Carers & Families |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Young Carers Futures: Partnering with Employers to Improve Employment Opportunities for Young Adult Carers Now presented by Vicky Morgan | Young Carers and Employment |
SUPPORT | Short Presentations | 4 | 1. Age Appropriate Videos to Deliver Key Messages to Young Carers in Palliative Carer Situations: Good Practice from Switzerland Elena Guggari 2. Support for Young Carers of Parents Living with Neurological Diseases or Injuries Linda Gustafsson, Malin Björkquist 3. A Mixed-Methods Exploration of the Care Giving Experiences, Outcomes and Unmet Needs of Young Carer in Oncology Bailey A. Hendricks, Kevin Kupzyk, Katrina M. Poppert Cordts, Robin M. Lally 4. Hard to Reach and Hidden: Improving Identification of Young Dementia Carers Patricia Masterson-Algar, Kieren Egan, Greg Flynn, Gwenllian Hughes, Aimee Spector, Joshua Stott, Gill Windle | Different Care Situations |
SUPPORT | Short Presentations | 4 | 1.The First 16 Years of the US Caregiving Youth Project and Caregiving Youth Institute Amoy Gordon, Elizabeth Olson 2. In Their Own Words: The Support Needed and Valued by Young and Young Adult Carers Nicola Brimblecombe, Sara Gowen 3. The Voice of Young Adults Making Sense of Their Caring Childhoods: Demonstrating Resilence Through Adversity Angela MacDonald, Katrina McLaughlin 4. What More Can We Do? A Lot of Challenges and Questions From Young Carers Services Andrew Deacon | Young Carers' Support Needs & Services/Projects |
IDENTIFY | Symposium | 4 | 1. Understanding Young Caring in the UK Pre and Post COVID-19: Prevalence, Correlates and Insights from Three UK Longitudinal Surveys Alejandra Letelier 2. Unlocking the Hidden Inequalities in Wellbeing and Health Among Young Carers: Insights on the Transitions into Young Caregiving Rebecca Lacey 3. Inequalities in Associations Between Young Adult Caregiving and Social Relationships: Evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study Pam Almedida 4. Does Providing Informal Care in Young Adulthood Impact Educational Attainment and Employment in the UK? Baowen Xue Symposium Convened by Alejandra Letelier | Impacts of Caregiving (Messages from the UK) |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 4 | 1. Getting Young Carers on the National Agenda in Norway Anita Vatland, Robin Kirknes Andreassen 2. What Do We Know About Young Carers in Finland? Tiina Sihto 3. How Many Young Carers Are There in France? Prevalencae Studies Among Adolescents and Emerging Adults Géraldine Dorard, Jade Pilato, Basilie Chevrier, Eléonore Jarrige, Christel Vioulac, Aurélie Untas 4. Understanding the Everyday Geographies of Young Carers in the US Elizabeth Olson, Leiha Edmonds | International Perspectives |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 4 | 1. Better Understanding of Emotional Support Provided by Young Adult Carers Celine Lacombe 2. To Be The Bearer of Bad News Emilia Ohberg 3. Understanding the Division of Household Labour from the Young Adult Carer's Perspective: A Qualitative Study Camille Bou 4. Collaboration and Co-creation Among Young Carers: Preliminary Experiences from the Photovoice Research Project Deborah Ummel | Types of Caregiving Roles |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | How to Spread Knowledge About What Works in Supporting Young Carers Tara Knegt | What Works? |
INCLUDE | Workshop | 1 | Young Carers' Voices Influencing Changes to Carer Support Payments in Scotland Nicola Bell | Young Carers' Voices in Scotland Nicola Bell |
INCLUDE | Short Presentations | 3 | 1. Evaluating Young Carer Experiences of Co-production and Co-delivery of Training and Awareness Raising, Providing Insights for Practioners into Living with Familial Substances Misuse and/or Mental Ill Health David Hambling, Aiden Quinn, Mandy Bell 2. An Exploration of the Experiences of Young Carers in Kandara Sub-county, Kenya Frashia Ndungu 3 & 4. Community Nursing - Opportunities to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Young Carers Fiona Rogers | Co-Production with Young Carers |
Theme | Format | Number of Presentations | Title & Author | Subheadings |
SUPPORT | Symposium | 4 | 1. Young Carers with Long-term Caring Roles and Their Mental Health Outcomes Mr Daniel Stanyon 2. Informal Caregiving in Adolescents From 10-16 Years Old: A Longitudinal Study Using Data from the Tokyo Teen Cohort Dr Atushi Nishida 3. About Young Carers Support Measures in Tokyo Hiroshi Soeno 4. Introduction of Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Young Carers Support Worldwide Mr Hori Symposium Convenor: Hiroshi Soeno | Tokyo Symposium |
IDENTIFY | Workshop | 1 | Identifying Young Carers from Seldom Heard Groups Daniel Phelps Helen Leadbitter | Identifying Young Carers from Seldom Heard Groups |
SUPPORT | Symposium | 6 | 1. The Development of SIBS and SIBS-ONLINE: Interventions Aiming to Strengthen Communication Between Siblings and Parents of Children with Disabilities Torun M. Vatne 2. Siblings as Young Carers: Predictors of Mental Health Problems in Siblings of Children with Chronic Disorders Trude Frediksen 3. Social Support as a Key Variable for Siblings as Young Carers´ Solveig Kirchhofer 4. Results From the SIBS Intervention for Siblings and Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Cambodia Krister Fjermestad 5. Emotional communication in support groups for siblings of children with disabilities Erica Zahl 6. Siblings and parents of children with a chronic disorder: Satisfaction with the sibling tailored intervention “SIBS” Linda Nyanchoka Krister Fjermestad Symposium Convenor | Interventions and Risk Factors for Siblings as Young Carers |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | The Important Role of Lecturers in Supporting Students with a Chronically Ill Family Member and Their Need for More Expertise Hinke van der Werf, Marjet Karssenberg (YAC). | Role of Lecturers in Supporting Student Young Carers (Dutch Model) |
SUPPORT | Short Presentations | 3 | 1. The Caregiving Students Roadmap for Lecturers. Development of a Support Tool for Early Identification and Support of Informal Caregiving Students at a Nursing Faculty Erica Witkamp, Saadet Paker, Ellen Bakker 3. Caring and Learning at an English University Su Corcoran 4.Young Adult Carers Pursuing Higher Education in London: Application and Transition into University; Reconciliation Between Caring and Student Life; and Perceptions of University Support Services Camille Bou | Young Adult Carers into University/Higher Education |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities Heather Chalmers | COVID-19 |
SUPPORT | Short Presentations | 2 | 1. Enabling Young Carers and Young Adult Carers to Care and Not Care in the Welfare State (Austria) Selma Kadi, Mirijam Pot 2. Young Carers in Germany - Gaps and Needs From a Legal Perspective (Germany) Stefanie Gröhl | European Perspectives |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 4 | 1. The Meaning for Adolcents Living with a Parent Who Has Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Nina Malmström N, S. Nilsson, B. Jakobsson Larsson, I. Nygren, J. Öhlén, A. Ozanne 2. Informal Care by StudentS for Relatives with Addiction Problems Dorina Van Namen 3. How to Reach Young Carers of Mentally Ill Parents Jeanette Bonde Pollmann 4. Mapping the Experiences of the Military Connected and Veteran Young Carers (USA) Melinda S Kavanaugh, Lisell Perez-Rogers, Rachel Barrett | Caring for Parents with Various Conditions |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 3 | 1. Adolescent Young Carers Health Differences Between Sub Groups of Adolescent Young Carers (Sweden) Miriam Svensson 2. Self-Rated Depressive Symptoms Among Young Carers - A Population-Based Study in Finland (Finland) Ella Eronen-Levonen, Katja Joronen 3. The Cardiovascular Effects of Caregiving on Young Carers: The Role of Coping Aoife Bowman Grangle | Young Carers' Health Outcomes |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Model of the Young Carer Spectrum: Theory, Discussion, Activity and Next Steps Ed Janes | Model of the Young Carer Spectrum |
INCLUDE | Workshop | 1 | Empowerment and Exposure - Informing Choice with Young Carers Voice Hana Gill | Young Carers' Voice: Empowerment and Exposure |
INCLUDE | Short Presentations | 3 | 1. Producing a Children's Story Book For and With Children/Parents/Caregivers Impacted by Parental Substance Misuse Deborah Smart, Kira Terry 2. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Designing a Young Carers Service Where Everyone Belongs Sian Stamper 3.Hidden By Choice Cornich Plumridge | Co-Production |
Theme | Format | Number of Presentations | Title & Author | Subheadings |
SUPPORT | Symposium | 4 | 1. Predictors of Depression in Young Carers in Ireland Aoife Bowman Grangel 2. The Strengths and Struggles Experienced by Young Carers Regarding Their Future Careers While in Upper Secondary School Breda Moloney 3. Sharing the Caring: Young Carers' Experiences and Access to Supports in Ireland Niamh Finucane 4.Working Towards Wellbeing; How Family Carers Ireland's Tiered Service Delivery Model Supports Young Carers Elayne O'Hara | Ireland Symposium: Resetting the Dial - Supporting and Changing the Lives of Young Carers and Young Adult Carers in Ireland |
IDENTIFY | Workshop | 1 | Young Carers in Armed Forces Families Helen Leadbitter | Military Family Young Carers |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Missed Opportunities for Change: Why a Holistic Approach to Support Matters Sarah Jones | Holistic Approaches to Support |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Initiative for Young Caregivers in Quebec - Unfiltered Support For and With Youth Maude Lupien Montestinos | Supporting Young Carers Quebec Workshop |
SUPPORT | Short Presentations | 2 | 1. Presentation and Evaluation of Mental Health Literacy and Self-care Website Intended For Young People Who Have a Parent With a Mental Illness Aude Villatte, Geneviève Pichè, Rima Habib 2. The Role and Impact of Social Networks for Children of Parents with Severe and Enduring Mental illness Imogen Nevard | Parents with Mental Illness |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Supporting Young Carers in Schools Adem Ruggiero-Cakir, Lisa Witherden | Young Carers in Schools |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 2 | 1. Young Carers in Refugee and Other Migrant Families in the UK and Sweden: Key Messages for Practioners and Policy Makers Ruth Evans, Rosa Mas Giralt, Brigeitte Suter, Katarina Mozetic 2. Including Youth Voices in Veteran Caregiving Research: I+YOUCare Melinda S. Kavanaugh, Eleanor Gonzales, Erin Bouldin, Rebecca Mabe, Mary Jo Pugh, Luci Leykum | Overlooked Young Carers |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 4 | 1.Unheard, Unseen: A Collaborative Presentation Exploring the Representation of Young Carers in Early Childhood Through Research and Lived Experience Carly Ellicott, Emmanuel Borges-Da-Silva 2. Ethical and Practical Challenges and Opportunities in Recruiting From the Wider Young Carer Population Ed Janes 3. An International Anaylsis Young Carer Policy: Where to Next? Victoria McDonagh 4. Crossing the English Channel. The Transfer of the Young Carer Category from UK to France: Background, Implementation and Questions Diane Beduchard | Research and Policy Matters |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 2 | 1. Supporting Young Adult Carers to Trasition to Higher Education Holly Brown 2. MY TIME's Level up Programme - Identifying, Supporting and Transforming Lives Krista Cartlidge, Dan Morris | Transitions to University and Employment |
INCLUDE | Short Presentations | 3 | 1. Louder together: Campaigning Nationally with Young Carers Raphy Poon, Laura Selby 2. Caregiving Youth, Redesign the World Leiha Edmonds, Elizabeth Olson 3. #WecareToo - Young Adult Carers SHOUT and Make Change Claire Briston | Co-Production with Young Carers |
IDENTIFY | Workshop | 1 | Shame and Blame: The Young Carers You Don't Know Exist Cath Pickles | Invisible Young Carers |
Theme | Format | Number of Presentations | Title & Author | Subheadings |
WORKSHOP | Workshop | 1 | Learn about Key Elements in the SIBS Intervention for Siblings and Parents of Children with Chronic Disorders Torun M. Vatne, Krister W. Fjermestad | Siblings and Parents |
IDENTIFY | Workshop | 1 | Engaging Professionals Across Sectors in Quebec to Support Young Carers Oliver Fitzpatrick | Engaging Professionals (Quebec Case Study) |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Adapting the Ycare Caregiving Skills and Support Program to Diverse Populations: Example from South Africa Young Carers Melinda Kavanaugh, Haley Hochfelden, Thobeka Nkomo | South AfricaYCare Programme |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Refining and Implementing the EU "ME-WE" Model for Adolescent Young Carers (Sweden) Lennart Magnusson | The ME-WE Programme in 6 European Countries |
SUPPORT | Workshop (see if drama studio available) | 1 | Forum Theatre Workshop Sally Duckers | Using Theatre with Young Carers |
SUPPORT | Short Presentations | 3 | 1. Parentification as Social Determinant of Health: Implications for School Councillors Kathryn Higdon 2. The Role of a School-Based Counselling System in Identification and Support of Young Carers in School Anna-Marie Spittel 3. Model of Basic Conditions of Support Structures for Young Carers in School Anna-Marie Spittel | Young Carers in Schools - Models for Practice |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 4 | 1. Falling Short: Examining Trends Over Time in Support for Young Carers in England Charlotte Paddison 2.Is Anyone Listening? A Partnership Approach to Identifying, Recognising and Meeting the Needs of Young Carers in South Asia Ruth Patil 3. Hidden Carers In India Teemol Thomas | Overlooked Young Carers (International Perspectives) |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 2 | 1. Are Ill Parents' Key Persons to Better Identify and Reach Young Carers? A Mixed Method Study Aurélie Untas, Julie Glatz, Pauline Justin, Géraldine Dorard, Michèle Koleck 2. Can We Really Identify Young Carers? Jade Pilato, Géraldine Dorard, Aurélie Untas 3. How to Better Reach Male Young Carers Elena Guggiari | Identify and Reach |
IDENTIFY | Short Presentations | 4 | 1. Pretest of an Interactive and Pictorial Questionnaire Designed to Identify Young Carers Aged 7 to 12 Aude Villatte, Geneviève Piché, Rima Habib, Aurélie Untas, Géraldine Dorard 2. Identifying Young Carers in Child Protection Ulrika Jarkestig Berggen 3.What Socio-demographic Factors are Associated with Caring Status of Young People as They Age Between16-25 Years Old? Camille Bou 4. Mytimes Holistic Approach to Creating a Framework of Good Practice Dan Morris, Krista Cartlidge | Tools to Identify Young Carers |
SUPPORT | Workshop | 1 | Making Carers Count - Delivering New Services for Young and Young Adult Carers Tanya Coles | Delivering New Services |
INCLUDE | Workshop | 1 | The Power of Young Carers' Voices Informing Advocacy and Policy Development Helen Leadbitter, David Jones, Chelsea-Anne Alex | Young Carers' Voices |
IDENTIFY | Workshop | 1 | "I Care. Do You?" Little Dreamers and the Power of Story Telling Now being presented by Madeleine Buchner | Story Telling |
For further information on each session please view the abstract summaries for session:
For organisation purpose, you are requested to register to your favourite sessions
Keynote speakers
Director of the Institute for Childrens Futures, Manchester Metropolitan University
Founder & CEO, Little Dreamers, Australia
Founder & President, COMIP (an association for and with young carers of parents with mental illness), Italy
Executive Director of Policy, Programmes and Impact, Carers Trust
Eurochild – Director of Policy, Advocacy and Communications
Professor, Dept. Health & Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden
Reader in Social & Lifecourse Epidemiology
Prior young carer and now young adult young carer who initiated and leads support groups for young carers, Norway
Policy & Practice Manager, Carers Trust, United Kingdom
Founder and Executive Director of Carers Worldwide, India
Scientific committee
Prof. Elizabeth Hanson
Professor, Dept. Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University,
Research director, Swedish Family Care Competence Centre
Board member, Eurocarers
- Agnes Leu, professor & advisor, Careum School of Health, University of Basel, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Switzerland
- Amarantha Bourgeois, Director of “Jeunes AiDants Ensemble – JADE” (Young Carers Together), France
- Daniel Phelps, independent consultant in policy and practice development for children with caring responsibilities (young carers) and their families, UK
- Elizabeth Anne Olson, professor, chair of Social Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
- Elisabeth Nordhus Lied, former young carer and adult young carer, facilitator of young carers peer support groups, the Church City Mission, Norway
- Feylyn Lewis, Assistant Dean Student Affairs, Vanderbilt School of Nursing, Nashville, USA, former young carer and young adult carer
- Francesco Barbabella, senior researcher, Linnaeus University, Swedish Family Care Competence Centre, Sweden
- Giulia Casu, associate professor, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy
- Licia Boccaletti, president of the cooperative Anziani e non solo (Not Only Older People), Carpi, Italy
- Michael Buynsters, coordinator of the Strategic Alliance for Young Carers, the Netherlands
- Nynke de Jong, Study Advisor, University of Twente, the Netherlands, former young carer and young adult carer
- Maddy Buchner, Founder and Director, Little Dreamers Australia
- Nikki Dunne, research director, Family Carers Ireland
- Padraig McGrath, Young Carers Lead, Family Carers Ireland
- Pauline Johansson, associate professor, Linnaeus University, facilitator Swedish Family Competence Centre
- Renske Hoefman, researcher, manager, Netherlands Institute for Social Research
- Valentina Hlebec, professor, chair of social informatics and methodology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Last Updated on March 18, 2024