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Young Carers’ Fair Futures

The call for abstract submission is now closed.

Guidelines for submission of proposals (also known as abstracts)

The key conference themes/subthemes to choose from:

INCLUDE TO EMPOWER: “nothing about us without us”

  • Personal stories of young carers’ involvement in advocacy work, policy, practice, or research
  • Power sharing with young carers in service design and delivery, policy making and research
  • Experiences of co-design in research and development work for and with young carers
  • Empowering young carers to identify needs for change and creating change on an individual, organisational and/or national level

IDENTIFY AND REACH: let’s ensure that all young carers are heard

  • Reaching out to young carers and, in particular, unheard/forgotten groups (e.g. from migrant/refugee communities, LGBTQ, male young carers, siblings carers, rural young carers)
  • Cultural/family expectations around caring and their influence on (self)-identification of young carers
  • Raising awareness about young carers – among general public, professionals and policy makers
  • Breaking down barriers and empowering professionals so that they can identify young carers

SUPPORT FOR IMPACT: changing the lives of young carers

  • Assessing young carers’ needs/goals and providing support tailored to their individual needs and goals
  • Towards young carer friendly educational and/or employment systems
  • Supporting young carers’ (mental) health and wellbeing
  • Whole family, multi-stakeholder approaches to support young carers
  • Innovative service provision, including technology advancements for and with young carers
  • Positive outcomes of caring in research, policy and/or practice

If your abstract does not fit into any of the above themes/subthemes, you can choose the option “Other”.

Types of presentation

Submissions can focus on research, policy, advocacy, practice, legislation – at a local, regional, national or international level – or a lived experience.

Please find below suggestions about the content for each type of presentation:

Theory/background, chosen research method, key findings and their impact, recommendations
Policy context and objective/s, targeted population, description of policy initiative, main drivers of change, key findings, lessons learned, impact of the policy and transferability of the policy.
Context and rationale for the chosen advocacy work, description of the advocacy work, targeted population and key messages, timeline, success indicators, next steps
The context, description of the practice change implemented, main drivers of change, targeted population, timeline, comments on sustainability, comments on transferability, key findings and lessons learned.
Legislative context and objective, targeted population, main drivers of change, key findings, lessons learned, impact, how legislation translates into practice.
Your experience, the challenges you faced, how you overcame them, what helped, what could have helped, what recommendations would you like to make – to which stakeholders- based on your experience.

Presentation format

The paper will be grouped with other papers by topic, and moderated by a chairperson,

Time allocated for each presentation: 10-15 minutes maximum, followed by questions and discussion with the audience.

 Showing of a short video you have specially prepared or will use – 5 minutes approximately for the video plus 10 minutes of questions and discussion with the audience.
consisting of an interactive meeting or educational session with interested conference delegates on a specific topic relevant to one or more of the conference themes. 1 hour 15 minutes approximately in duration.
consisting of 4-6 linked short paper presentations, submitted by the symposium coordinator who provides an overall abstract of the symposium session that includes an overview of the whole session together with an outline of each short paper, the order they will be presented and by whom. A separate abstract that gives more details of each specific paper presentation is also required, making clear to add details of the presenter(s) and the symposium title to which the specific paper is linked. The symposium session will be 1 hour 15 minutes maximum in duration, including time for questions and discussion with the audience.

Overall structure for your Proposal/Abstract

  • Introduction (rationale and core aim/s of the paper/workshop and how it is related to the selected theme and subtheme)
  • Objectives
  • Target audience
  • Learnings/Take away message/s
  • Outline plan for the session plus timing. Please outline how you’ll ensure interaction with the audience
  • List of key references/resources

Word limit for proposals/abstracts: maximum 250 words (the final two items are not included in the word count)

Proposals/abstracts are to be presented and submitted in English.

Please note: as the conference is an in person event, the expectation is that presenters will physically attend the conference.

If you have any questions, please contact Lucy Henry, PA to the Director of the Institute for Children’s Futures, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, email:

  • Agnes Leu, professor & advisor, Careum School of Health, University of Basel, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Switzerland
  • Amarantha Bourgeois, Director of “Jeunes AiDants Ensemble – JADE” (Young Carers Together), France
  • Daniel Phelps, independent consultant in policy and practice development for children with caring responsibilities (young carers) and their families, UK
  • Elizabeth Anne Olson, professor, chair of Social Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • Elisabeth Nordhus Lied, former young carer and adult young carer, facilitator of young carers peer support groups, the Church City Mission, Norway
  • Feylyn Lewis, Assistant Dean Student Affairs, Vanderbilt School of Nursing, Nashville, USA, former young carer and young adult carer
  • Francesco Barbabella, senior researcher, Linnaeus University, Swedish Family Care Competence Centre, Sweden
  • Giulia Casu, associate professor, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Licia Boccaletti, president of the cooperative Anziani e non solo (Not Only Older People), Carpi, Italy
  • Michael Buynsters, coordinator of the Strategic Alliance for Young Carers, the Netherlands
  • Nynke de Jong, Study Advisor, University of Twente, the Netherlands, former young carer and young adult carer
  • Maddy Buchner, Founder and Director, Little Dreamers Australia
  • Nikki Dunne, research director, Family Carers Ireland
  • Padraig McGrath, Young Carers Lead, Family Carers Ireland
  • Pauline Johansson, associate professor, Linnaeus University, facilitator Swedish Family Competence Centre
  • Renske Hoefman, researcher, manager, Netherlands Institute for Social Research
  • Valentina Hlebec, professor, chair of social informatics and methodology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Chaired by Elizabeth Hanson, professor, Dept. Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University, research director, Swedish Family Care Competence Centre, board member, Eurocarers.

Last Updated on December 15, 2023

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