Funding programme: Horizon European Programme Project Leader: Swedish Family Care Competence Centre (Nka) Project description: WELL CARE (2024-2027) is a transdisciplinary and participative project in…
Funding programme: Horizon Project Leader: FRCB-IDIBAPS Project description: ‘LAUREL: Actionable policies for adopting high-quality integrated long-term care’ started in February 2024. The project brings together…
Eldicare 2.0: Re-defining skills in a post-COVID European silver economy Funding programme: Erasmus+ Project Leader: AKMI Project description: ‘Eldicare 2.0: Re-defining skills in a…
NEXUS: connecting research, policy and practices to support young carers Funding programme: Erasmus+ Project Leader: Re-dial Abstract: NEXUS is an Erasmus+ funded project which…
Better classifications of dying places Respecting preferences for place of death is important. The first step is to classify the dying places (home, hospital, among…
Training Social and health care prOfessionals in mUsic-based therapeutic iNterventions to support older people with Dementia (SOUND) SOUND is an Erasmus+ funded project which aims to…
Last Updated on November 24, 2013