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The European voice for informal carers

Timeline to new EN institutional leadership

The June 24 European elections are the focal point for a broader renewal of the…

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New podcast series in Ireland

Care Alliance Ireland is pleased to announce the launch of their new podcast series- Caring…

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New standards in guidance for Swiss family carers

Swiss Carers presents the updated version of the We+Care platform, the digital first point of…

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No choice but to care

In the framework of Carers Week 2024, Carers UK just published their Carers Week report:…

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Eldicare 2.0 partners meeting in Prague

On the 16th and 17th of April the Eurocarers team flew to Prague to attend…

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Call for abstracts – Ageism and sexism in old age: The need for a new narrative on ageing

Older Women’s Network, Europe (OWN-EU) and Linköping University, Ageing and Social Change (ASC) invite you…

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Invitation to contribute – Carers’ Organisations and their Impact: the creation of a global movement

Carers’ Organisations and their Impact: the creation of a global movement by Sue Yeandle (University…

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ZAINLAB: employment and training opportunities in the care sector

ZainLab project, promoted by the Department of Labour and Employment of the Basque Government, aims…

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Music enhancing the lives of older individuals with dementia and their informal carers – join us on June 19th

We are delighted to invite you to the final event of the SOUND project, focusing…

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Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term Unemployment

The European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Social Innovation+ (SI+) initiative has launched a Call for proposals…

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The first of our international speakers, Guilia Lanfredi from @Eurocarers_info presenting about their work across Europe, including some of their past and ongoing projects

I had to send in a #CarersAllowance review form today, and I have some thoughts on the matter. Some bad-tempered thoughts, obviously. Many of you might not know that CA, in all its (€248minimum/ €429maximum) glory, is a means tested payment which is ALSO a wage. Those -

An Excellent Funded #PhD Opportunity in Family Caregiving with @adarleyresearch, at @ucdsnmhs. Application deadline 16th August. @CarersIreland, @CircleShef, @CarersUK, @CarersNI, @Eurocarers_info, @Siobhan_ODwyer, @Doyler726, @DrSGallagher, @aine_teahan

Thank you @EdwardJDavey for raising that thousands of unpaid carers are having to repay very substantial Carer’s Allowance overpayments to the @DWPgovuk at the first #PMQs today. Carers, who need and deserve better, urgently need to see reform of Carer’s Allowance.

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EUROCARERS is the European network representing informal carers and their organisations, irrespective of their age or the particular health and care need of the person they are caring for.

Our aim is to advance the issue of informal care at both national and EU levels by:

  • RAISING AWARENESS OF THE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION MADE BY CARERS to health and social care systems and the economy as a whole, and of the need to safeguard this contribution;
  • ENSURING THAT EU AND NATIONAL POLICIES TAKE ACCOUNT OF CARERS, i.e. promote social inclusion of carers, the development of support services for carers, enable them to remain active in paid employment and maintain a social life.

Eurocarers defines a carer as a person who provides – usually – unpaid care to someone with a chronic illness, disability or other long lasting health or care need, outside a professional or formal framework.

Eurocarers is involved in the following projects

Last Updated on July 4, 2024

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