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The European voice for informal carers

TRAining and recognition of informal Carers Skills (TRACK)

Over 80% of care across the EU is provided by partners, relatives and friends. Everyone may be an informal carer at some stage in his or her life.  At this moment, having the opportunity to access adapted training can be extremely useful…

Objectives of the project

Supporting informal carers

TRACK is a European Erasmus+ project aimed at developing and testing a training programme for informal caregivers. This training programme will be proposed in a flexible ‘blended’ mode (mixing on-line and face to face sessions), and include mentoring for informal caregivers.

Recognising the skills acquired by informal carers and improving their situation on the labour market

The project will develop assessment methods for the skills acquired by informal carers and propose a roadmap for the certification of such skills.

Main activities planned

  • A baseline study on “Informal caring and learning opportunities” (published on March 2016)
  • Focus groups organized in France, Germany and Spain (February/March 2016) aimed at contributing to the definition of the content of the training;
  • The design of the training programme (during 2016)
  • Exploitation workshops in France, Germany and Spain (scheduled for early 2017)
  • A Report on the implementation and evaluation of the training programme (scheduled for mid-2017)
  • A report on the feasibility and the added value of a certification process. (2017)
  • A final international conference (June 2017 in Brussels).

Consortium members

The project gathers 5 national organisations from 4 countries (Austria, France, Germany, Spain), representing different stakeholders (local authorities, NGOs, research, training providers…) and a European umbrella organisation representing carers’ organisations. The consortium is led by IPERIA L’Institut, the national French Institute for the professionalisation of family employment).

The leaflet of the project is available here [download id=”5669″].

You will find an infographic presenting the project here[download id=”5672″].

The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Last Updated on February 21, 2019

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