24th International Conference on Integrated Care call for papers now open
The International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) in partnership with IFIC Ireland and the International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC) and supported by the Department of Health, Northern Ireland and Visit Belfast present the 24th International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC24) which will take place in ICC Belfast on 22-24 April 2024, with the overarching theme ‘Taking the leap: making integrated care a reality for people and communities’, the conference will bring together leaders, researchers, clinicians, managers, community representatives, patients and caregivers from around the world who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated health and care.
Right now Northern Ireland is going through a transformative change in the movement towards an integrated care approach to the planning, management and delivery of health and care services. A new Integrated Care System (ICS) model in Northern Ireland (NI) is being developed which will transform the existing commissioning arrangements and processes. As many regions make this shift towards new models of care, that are people-centred and community-driven, this conference offers the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, reflect on change, and celebrate the shift forward in the movement to provide more co-ordinated, person-centred care for people and communities all around the world.
The International Scientific Committee (ICS), chaired by Professor Deirdre Heenan, Professor of Social Policy at Ulster University, is now seeking abstracts of good practice in research, policy, practice and education from around the world. This is expected to be a competitive process so presenters are asked to take time in understanding the guidelines and to follow the process carefully. We are particularly keen to hear from our colleagues across Northern Ireland to celebrate the great achievements that have been made in the past 10 years towards integrated care in the region.
The conference is particularly organised around the following themes:
- Partnerships, collaborations and new alliances
- Planning and resource allocation
- Collaboration and partnership
- Improving the population health though new alliances
- From evidence to policy and from policy to practice
- Gathering valuable knowledge and evidence to support knowledge translation
- Change management
- Supporting the health and care workforce
- Building workforce capacity and capability
- Supporting the workforce to deliver integrated care
- Interdisciplinary and multi-agency working
- Delivering integrated care in the community
- Engaging communities
- Improving population health outcomes
- Improving health and care access particularly for priority, remote and rural populations
- Supporting self-management and patient and family empowerment
- The role of general practice and primary care in integration
- Meaningful use of digital solutions and shared data for information and care management
- Data and Information Management
- Digital Solutions
Find out more about the conference themes.