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The European voice for informal carers

The Italian Ministry of Education sheds light on young carers and the challenges they face at school

The aim is to raise schools professionals’ awareness on young carers and to provide them with tools to identify and support young carers in their classes.

This MoU is the result of activities in the framework of the Edy-Care Project, that aims to empower school professionals to recognise young carers in classes, to maximise their learning opportunities while ensuring their social inclusion.

The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research commits to disseminate informative material on young carers in all schools. The material produced in the framework of the Edy-Care Project will be the first to be spread.

The MoU is a first, important step, as it acknowledges for the first time the topic of young carers and the impact that caring responsibilities can have on educational attainment.

Read the English version of the Press Release: [download id=”5841″]

The original version – in Italian- is available here: [download id=”5838″]

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