Burn-out Resilience and Wellness Care Verbatim in France
Terra Firma, a French communication agency specialising in health issues, is currently developing two projects of potential relevance and added value to our collective work. Both focus on primary prevention and, more specifically, on the early detection and management of Burn-out (Burn-out Resilience project) and on the development of quality interpersonal communication between the carer and care recipient (Wellness Care Verbatim).
The pilot project “Burn-out Resilience” is a Web service designed for carers around the primary prevention of burn-out via the development of resilience (“e-Resilient Best Practices”). The service allows users to detect early signs of burn-out and ways of improving their capacity to overcome stress and anxiety.
The “Wellness Care Verbatim” project is an online educational game (consisting of various quizzes, good practices as well as links towards relevant resources) intended to raise awareness and train carers on how to act, behave and communicate positively with their caree
In order to support these initiatives and following a fruitful exchange with Terra Firma, the Eurocarers secretariat invites all members to contribute to these projects by:
- Sharing any relevant material developed by your organisation (e.g. publications, awareness-raising campaigns, respite solutions, wellness workshops, fitness prevention, etc.) which may prove useful to achieve the above-mentioned objectives; and
- Identify carers and care professionals in your network who could potentially take part in an online survey aiming to capture their experience and views.
If interested, please feel free to contact Dr Christian Schoen at Terra Firma who will answer your questions and provide you with any additional information you may need.
Dr Christian Schoen – Terra Firma
Mobile : +33 (0)6 85 10 60 59