Call for expression of interest: eHealth Stakeholder Group members 2019-2021
The Commission has just presented a call for expression of interest to select the members of the eHealth Stakeholder Group 2019-2022. Members of the group shall be expert representatives of European umbrella organisations active in the eHealth sector and shall be appointed for a period of three years.
As part of the EU’s commitment to engage stakeholders in public policy making, the eHealth Stakeholder Group is expected to provide advice and expertise, contributing to policy development and the implementation of the Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market, adopted in April 2018, in particular in relation to the following areas:
- Health Data, including taking forward the Commission Recommendation on a European Electronic Health record exchange format and the further elaboration of the baseline set of technical specifications and better interoperability.
- Digital health services
- Health data protection and privacy issues
- Cybersecurity for health and care data
- Digital tools for citizen empowerment and person centred care
- Artificial intelligence and health
- Other cross cutting aspects linked to the digital transformation of health and care, such as financing and investment proposals and enabling technologies.
The group will ensure inputs from representatives of organisations across society who are eligible to participate, including from the Health Tech industry sector, civil society representing patients and healthcare professionals and academia.
The call will be open until 27 September 2019.
- Call for applications eHeatlh Stakeholder Group
- Annex I – Classification form
- Annex II – Selection criteria form
- Annex III – Privacy statement
In 2012, following a call for expression of interest, the European Commission selected 29 members to participate in its eHealth Stakeholder Group. The group contributed to the development of legislation and policy related to eHealth. Policy areas of specific interest included relevant actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe on eHealth and the eHealth Action Plan.
Following a new call for expression of interest, the European Commission has selected 30 members to participate in its eHealth Stakeholder Group 2016-2018. The eHealth Stakeholder Group contributed to the development of legislation and policy related to eHealth. Policy areas of specific interest included relevant actions of the Digital Single Market Strategy and the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 .
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