Call for good practices to promote young carers-friendly school environments
Do you want to know how many young people lives a situation similar to Sabina’s? Have a look at the number of young carers ([download id=”5800″]). Do you want to help Sabina and other young carers? You can!
In the framework of the Edy-Care Project, we are collecting good practices in educational settings that help people like Sabina (young carers) to attend classes, to achieve good results, to remain in education and to be socially included. Caring for a loved person who has a long term care need should not compromise children and young people’s right to education (and, in the long term, their professional opportunities).
If you know a good practices in educational settings that might help vulnerable people like Sabina, please share it with us. You can either fill in this form or contact Francesca Centola to have a chat (in English, French or Italian).
Your contribution will result in a toolkit of good practices towards young carers friendly schools, which will help school professionals and young carers all across Europe!
We also envisage to select 3 best practices and allow those who submitted them to participate in the International Young Carers Conference (2020, Brussels) and to present their good practices in front of a wide audience of stakeholders in the field.
On behalf of young carers all across Europe, thank you for helping them to move from vulnerability to growth!
More details on the Edy-Care Project are available on the project website.
For further information, please contact Francesca Centola – Eurocarers Project Officer- at