This publication presents one of the outcomes of the project ‘CARE4DEM’, a Competence Profile, listing the Knowledges, Skills and Abilities that are desirable for professionals and volunteers willing to facilitate MAGs for informal carers of people with Dementia.
This outcome is part of a set of tools developed within the CARE4DEM project, aimed at developing an innovative model of web-based mutual aid group (MAG) for informal carers of people with Dementia. This project intends to address the acute needs of these carers, building on the potential of Information and Communication Technologies and the proven added value of Mutual Aid Groups.
The present publication presents the framework of the project and the different elements of the CARE4DEM model, before going into detail firstly about the methodology followed for drafting the Competence Profile, then concerning the outcomes of the desk research and consultation of experts, before presenting the Competence Profile itself.
This Outcome sheds light on the many competencies developed by informal carers through experience, which are overlapping to some extent with the competencies desirable for facilitating a MAG, and very much appreciated by peers. Hence it might be used, beyond the project itself, as a reference in the context of initiatives aimed at recognising and valuing informal carers’ competences.
Download the document (EN) [download id=”14983″].
Last Updated on September 11, 2019