CareER – Impowering informal carers
Throughout Europe, informal carers cover 80% of long-term care. Family members are the largest care providers for older, frail, disabled and chronically ill people of all ages.
However, caring for a loved one often comes with a considerable personal cost to family carers, including many financial, professional, health and social consequences.
Most of informal carers are at risk of social exclusion and there is a need to help them to move from social isolation to active participation.
Through the tailored training, the project intends to support the carers in highlighting their profile and role both for themselves, and for the rest of the society.
The CareEr project aims at empowering informal carers through:
- a new training device created by and for informal carers – by contributing to the improvement of their condition as well as the quality of informal care;
- the support for the young carers and for those who have a job in combining the care responsibilities with the studies/work – CareER will up-date the tool for the recognition of the informal competences to be used on the regular job market.
More information anout the project: www.career-project.eu