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The European voice for informal carers

Community of Practice to share experiences about dementia

ZDUS and its partners on the Move your hands for dementia (MYH4D) project have set up a Community of Practice website, where adult educators who provide trainings on dementia, people with dementia and their carers can have their say.

The MYH4D Community of Practice is set as an opportunity for people to share their experience, debate around issues and questions they might have when it comes to dementia. You can find proposed discussions on ageism and dementia, read about importance of proper use of language and images when talking about dementia, share examples of your own …

People with dementia and their carers can find a range of proposed leisure activities, games and personal devices to use to support people living with dementia.

The Community of Practice is free and open for all to register and start debating and exchanging experiences about dementia. You are welcome to contribute and start up your own topics, concerns, issues that you might need support with.

Some topics that are addressed:

  • Promoting independence of people with dementia
  • Framing and reframing the common picture of dementia
  • Reducing the stigma through language and pictures
  • Ageist attitudes towards people with dementia

For more visit and register at:

Background information: The MYH4D Community of Practice was prepared by the project consortium of the Erasmus+ project Move your hands for dementia. The post was contributed on behalf of the project team by Dijana Lukić, ZDUS (Slovenia).

Photo credits: Center for Ageing Better, UK

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