Council Register – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU
Please find here the information from the Commission about the Report by the High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU, with a view to the EPSO Council meeting on March 13, 2023.
The High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU was initiated at the end of 2021 by the Commission as announced in the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan. The main task of the High-Level Group was to analyse the expected impacts of megatrends such as demographic changes, transformations on the labour market and the digital and green transitions on social protection and on the welfare systems.
The members of the group furthermore analysed the implications of these impacts for the design and scope of social protection systems, in a life-course perspective. They also analysed constraints and options to ensure adequate, fair and sustainable financing of social protection and put forward 21 key strategic recommendations to both national and EU levels.
The final report of the High-Level Group is available here .