European Parliament Interest Group on Carers 24 March 2020
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the European Parliament Informal Carers Interest Group and Eurocarers, we would like to warmly invite you to our next meeting, taking place on Tuesday 24th March between 12.30 and 14.00 in the European Parliament.
This meeting will address the current state of play with respect to carers and the ways in which they are recognised and supported across the EU. Furthermore, the meeting will be the occasion to explore what could be done at EU level to ensure care-friendly societies, inspiring Member States to take concrete action.
As you may recall, Eurocarers proposed a blueprint for a comprehensive EU Carers Strategy not so long ago; given the many new faces in the European Parliament and at Commission level, the meeting will serve as a ‘refresher’ for the Strategy, which will also guide the discussions.
As highlighted during previous meetings of the Interest Group, policymakers still seem insufficiently aware of the value represented by informal carers – to their loved ones, to their communities and to the economy as a whole – ; therefore, the meeting will bring together carers from different EU countries to underline what could and should still be done.
The meeting has the following objectives:
- To hear from carers from a variety of countries about their day to day situation, about the support they receive and about how they cope with their various challenges;
- To hear about concrete ways in which countries can become more ‘carer-friendly’;
- To hear from leading NGOs about what they think could be done at EU and national level;
- To explore possibilities for cooperation and next concrete steps.
As always, the meeting will bring together policymakers, NGOs and professionals from educational, health, social care and employment fields as well as other interested parties.
Please see the [download id=”24123″] for more details; as you will see, you will have the possibility to make your voice heard and share your views in the audience debate.
It would be wonderful if you would be able to participate. If so, please click here to register for the event at latest on Monday 16 March.
Meanwhile, we would like to thank you for your attention and support and look forward to greeting you on the day.
With our best wishes,
Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP
Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan MEP
Sari Tervonen, President Eurocarers
Stecy Yghemonos, Executive Director, Eurocarers
SAVE THE DATE: 16-17 November 2020, International Young Carers Conference, Brussels.
Last Updated on February 20, 2020