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The European voice for informal carers

Dear Eurocarers Members,

It was a pleasure to welcome you for our 16th Annual General Assembly in Porto or online, on the 1-2 June 2022. Below, you will find the background documents and presentations used during our meeting.

As always, our secretariat ( remains at your entire disposal should you have any question or comment about the follow-up to our AGM or our activities, in general.

Meeting Documents


Day 1

Day 2

Background material

Discussion about the European Carers Day Campaign 2022

Background presentation by O. Jacqmain

Information on national developments discussed during the policy Tour de Table (2 June)



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See information on the new National Swedish Carers Strategy


See Care Alliance Ireland’s review of the national carers strategy (2021)


See this article on ‘Advancing carer support in Germany’

Candidates for the Board of Directors

Lucie Freyssignac
Short bio
Andreas Hoff
Short bio
Henk Nies
Short bio
Stavros Terzakis
Short bio

Last Updated on February 17, 2023

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