First International Care Congress – Tenerife 3-5 November
Our new member from Tenerife Acufade (www.acufade.org) is organizing the congress dedicated to family care that will be held on 3, 4 and 5 November 2022 in Tenerife on the Canary Islands and streamed online. The event is specifically targeting family carers, dependent persons; students and professionals with care profiles and public authorities and NGOs related to areas of care. Speakers from all around the world will present different practices and discuss current challenges that family carers are facing. Full programme is available here: PROGRAMA_CONGRESO_ING (act 14 sep) (tribunaevents.com)
Check for more info and register via this link: Tribuna Events | 1st INTERNATIONAL CARE CONGRESS Participation is free of charge and translation to English will be ensured. Acufade team hopes to see you on sunny Tenerife or via online stream!