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The European voice for informal carers

Higher Educational Institutes will be piloting a new European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurses

Italy, Greece and Finland will be piloting specialized courses based on a European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurses (EQF 7 level, 60 ECTS), that was just released in a first version, which is based on the 28 core competencies of a Family and Community Nurse.

Focused efforts and preparation are currently underway to recruit and train teachers in three countries – Greece, Italy and Finland –  who will be piloting the European FCN curriculum and delivering courses targeting graduate nurses, either as a master’s specialisation course, a full master’s degree, or as a lifelong learning course, using the open online tools and  and methodologies developed by  with national and local rules and regulations.

As the European Curriculum has no legal status, it will not interfere with any current national training programmes in nursing. It could however be a valuable blueprint as key features of the European curriculum lies in its flexible and modular nature, complying with exsiitng European tools and standards (EQF, ESCO, ECVET) allowing it to be transposed into a national curriculum, compliant with national rules, whilst at the same time meeting the growing demands for person-centred and integrated (nursing) care in the community. 

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