iCONNECT- A new Erasmus+ project for Greek Association of Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders
iCONNECT – Intergenerational CONtact between studeNts and people with dEmentia through CreaTive education is a project under the umbrella of Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices And KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education which has been started on September 1st 2017 and will finish in August 30th 2020.
The consortium consists of 6 partners from 4 EU countries with complementary knowledge and backgrounds: Stichting National Ouderenfonds (Netherlands, coordinator), Università degli studi di Udine – Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica (Italy), Hogeschool Utrecht Higher Education Institution (Netherlands), Lahti University Of Applied Sciences (Filand), T.E.I. of Epirus Department of Nursing (Greece), Elliniki Etairia Nosou Alzheimer Kai Syggenon Diatarachon Somateio (Greece).
Intergenerational contact is established through an innovative creative learning module that combines theatre, poetry and music, tapping into the long term memory of older people with dementia. Core aspect of the module is the transnational blended learning platform (open source – moodle) that contains all the teaching material and makes it possible for students to exchange information, ideas and content, plan their own activities and report on their results and experiences.
At the same time it will be a way for students to exchange information trans-nationally, not only sharing experiences within one country, but also communicating and collaborating with people from other countries while they make contact with people with dementia.
Website: http://iconnectdementia.eu/
Website for module:https://www.iconnectdementia.eu/iconnect/module-variations