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The European voice for informal carers

InCARE contribution to the call for evidence on the European Care Strategy

The InCARE consortium prepared a contribution to the on-going call for evidence for the European Care Strategy. It includes a summary of results and learnings derived from a rapid evidence review on social innovation in long-term care, an online survey on attitudes, experiences, expectations on long-term care and multi-stakeholder Theory of Change processes in three European countries. We further offer a series of recommendations which draw on the InCARE partners’ joint expertise, experiences, activities and shared vision for the future of long-term care in Europe.

You can read InCARE contribution here.

[The InCARE project will contribute to the design of a coherent and coordinated approach to the development of national long-term care policy and care services at local and regional level, by establishing socially innovative and participatory decision-making processes.]

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