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The European voice for informal carers

Join us and strengthen the voice of carers in Europe

If you want to strengthen the voice of carers at home and in Brussels, by becoming a Eurocarers member, fill in theĀ  application form and send it to the Eurocarers Secretariat.

Why become a EUROCARERS member?

As member of Eurocarers,

1. You can participate in influencing decision-making on behalf of carers
  • by advocating their needs in the development of European policies, programmes and funding arrangements in areas that truly matter to carers;
  • by formulating evidence-based input in policy development to influence European policy debates. Your views, suggestions and opinions count and are actively sought in the preparation of policy
  • by participating in EU-funded research projects, which help to shape carers-friendly policies
2. You will have access to Information and capacity building
  • Through Eurocarers network, members exchange information and experience and engage in initiatives of mutual interest
  • Eurocarers provides regular information on relevant developments and helps its members to be better informed, through its Newsletter, e-mail service and website
  • Eurocarers provides opportunities for networking across boundaries
3. You can help to strengthen the voice of European carers at national and European levels
  • Carers and their issues are rising up the European policy agenda, due to continuous representation, actively supported by the European Parliament and the Parliament Interest Group of MEPs on carers. While progress has been made, recognition of carers issues needs to be both increased and consolidated and your organisation is needed to amplify the voice of carers!

Why is the EU important to Carers?

  • While national governments remain in charge of the policies that are most important for carers (health and social care provision, employment and social security as well as social policy and social inclusion), it is important to advocate carers interests at EU level, too, since currently many national policies stem directly or indirectly from the EU. Member States all face the same challenges in relation to health and social care provision as well as labor market and social security challenges;
  • There is a growing recognition of the need for Member States to cooperate, exchange experience, and learn from one another;
  • Many EU policies and actions impact on health and health systems as well as on employment conditions of carers in paid employment;
  • The EU level often sets priorities that Member States then follow. These policies are formulated through a process of wide ranging consultation. Carers need to be a part of this process.

Last Updated on November 18, 2024

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