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The European voice for informal carers

Mental Health in the eye of the COVID 19 hurricane

Together with the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) and nine other healthcare NGOs,  Eurocarers called for more attention to be paid to the enormous impact the  COVID-19 pandemic is having on mental health and well-being worldwide.  During the pandemic, people become more at risk of experiencing, directly or indirectly, confusion, frustration, anxiety, and fear, sometimes combined with a lack of access to and continuity of care and adequate support for pre-existing ill-mental or physical health conditions. The press release insists on the importance of protecting the mental health of people in vulnerable situations, including older persons and informal carers,  as part of a whole-of-society approach to mental health. The text sheds light on the acute risks faced currently by informal carers. Read more here.

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