Mobile game for cognitive skills development and concept teaching for adults with intellectual disabilities
By the new project “Game4CoSkills”, we aim to develop a Mobile game for cognitive skills development and concept teaching for adults with intellectual disabilities to use individually or in a group format. The mobile game covers multiple cognitive skills development and concept teaching strategies and grows more challenging as performance improves on colour, memory, math, accuracy, logic, dexterity, multitasking and attention to details.
By using this way, adults with intellectual disabilities will participate in enjoyable group activities to have to experience mobile games. Target groups of the “Game4CoSkills Project” are (120) adults with intellectual disabilities (20 adults of each partner country) and (60) trainers of adults with intellectual disabilities (10 trainers of each partner country). The mobile game will include 8 categories (small games) about colour, memory, math, accuracy, logic, dexterity, multitasking and attention to details.
The innovation part of the project is to develop multiple cognitive skills and concept teaching strategies with the mobile game in 8 categories. Through this mobile game with 8 categories, the project partners will focus on the cognitive skills and concept teaching contents creation, and assessment of learning to learn progress. This new project is funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The duration of this project is 24 months and the countries which are participating are France (Interactive 4D), Austria (Austrian Association of Inclusive Society-AIS), Italy (Euro-Net), Greece (Greek Association of Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders), Cyprus (Synthesis Center for Research and Education) και η Τουρκία (Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği).