Questionnaire for Daughters and Sons of Parents with Mental Health Problems
“Share4Carers” is an Erasmus+ Project to share good practices for children of parents with mental health problems in Europe. The ambition of the project ‘’Share4Carers’’ is to produce recommendations that will contribute to promote resilience and a positive outcome for children of parents with mental illness and their families by accelerating the adoption of psychoeducation practices across the EU whilst involving patients organizations, clinicians and carers in the development of such good practices.
7 partners are involved from Greece, Italy, Belgium and Turkey.
Thank you for accepting to answer our questionnaire. Your experience matters and we value and appreciate your contribution.
This questionnaire is completely anonymous to protect your privacy.
By answering the following two questions in particular you are authorizing Share4Carers partners to process your e-mail address and your answers to the questionnaire solely for the purpose stated above.
Under no circumstances will your e-mail address be given to third parties, nor will it be made public.
Answers to the questionnaire can be sent no later than 20th April 2021.