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The European voice for informal carers

Supporting informal carers in end-of-life support and accompaniment: the Erasmus+ Hold My Hand project

Hold My Hand is a project financed by European Erasmus+ funds, which brings together a consortium of 4 European countries (Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Sweden). One of the main objectives of this project is precisely to produce and develop socio-pedagogical tools, aimed at the adult population, informal carers and professionals from the social and health-care sectors, addressing the issue of support and accompaniment at the end of life.

Indeed, informal carers are often faced with issues related with death and its anticipation but are rarely prepared, informed and supported to deal with them.

The Hold My Hand project aims to develop a set of resources (some of which already available from the project website and others in the process of being finalised) including:

  •  The Synthesis Guide – which addresses the legal and political frameworks of partner countries, international and European legal and political frameworks
  • A selection of good practices and existing tools related to support and awareness for the end-of-life expectancy;
  • A data-base of organizations providing support with end-of-life related issues in partner countries
  • The e-learning Platform – will include socio-pedagogical modules that respond to some needs that have been identified, following a Lifelong Learning approach. These modules will address different topics related to monitoring and anticipating (preparation for) the end of life and will be available in the 4 partnership languages and in English.

It is possible to visit the Hold My Hand website and subscribe the Newsletter that will keep you up to date with the latest news about this project from:

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