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The European voice for informal carers

Swedish Minister funds webinars about caring for dementia

In January 2024, the Swedish Minister for Older People and Social Insurance, Anna Tenje, hosted a press conference to present the government’s prioritized initiatives for improved care and support in the field of dementia. The Swedish government grants Nka 3 million Swedish kronor (approximately 266 000 €) to create a series of webinars aimed at increasing knowledge about informal carers of people with dementia.

“We are very pleased to have been entrusted to work on these seminars,” says Nka’s Chief Executive Officer, Lennart Magnusson. “Informal carers provide extensive and invaluable care, and with this grant, we can strengthen knowledge in municipalities and regions.”

Based on the webinars, shorter films and study materials will be developed. The material will reflect the situation of informal carers and enhance the knowledge of decision-makers and personnel. The aim is to contribute to individualized, flexible, and adequate support for those caring for loved ones with dementia and cognitive impairment. The material is intended to serve as a basis for discussions in various workplaces.

“Dementia cannot yet be cured, but research is progressing rapidly, especially in terms of preventive measures,” said the Minister for Older People and Social Insurance. “Therefore, preventive work must be the focus.”

The government allocates a total of 14 million kronor to various development projects, of which Nka’s knowledge-enhancing webinar series is one. The Swedish Dementia Centre receives five million kronor for its development work, and the two national quality registers within the dementia field receive three million kronor each.

“With these investments, we continue to prioritize measures against one of our major public health challenges,” said the Minister for Older People and Social Insurance.

In addition to the development grants, the government will continue to support the Swedish initiative ‘The Eldercare Lift’ with 1.7 billion kronor. The grant provides staff with the opportunity for further education during working hours. A new national strategy for dementia will also be finalized this spring.

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