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The European voice for informal carers

Swiss national support services for young carers

Young people with caring responsibilities are often exposed to a lot of strain and stress. They need support and exchange. The Careum School of Health project “Young Carers between School and Work” (2017-6/2020), led to the first two Swiss services tailored to these needs.

  • «web-based network map»: prototype of a map for young carers and professionals, which records all services that support young carers.
  • «Get-together»: low-threshold, professionally facilitated exchange meetings for young carers, set up and accompanied by the Careum School of Health research team.

The follow-up project “Support services for young carers” was started in April 2021. In this project, the two services will be further adapted and geographically expanded using participatory approaches. The aim of the project is thus to implement the created network map prototype throughout Switzerland as a website and to broaden the “Get-togethers” geographically by initiating additional groups in collaboration with local organisations. In addition, an accompanying study aims to better reach male young carers through the support services.

The project is funded by the Beisheim Stiftung, Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, the Ernst Göhner Stiftung, and Migros-Kulturprozent.

More information can be found here.

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