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The European voice for informal carers

The state of caring in Ireland

Our colleagues from Family Carers Ireland just published their biennial State of Caring report.

This report sets out the findings of Ireland’s second national State of Caring survey undertaken by Family Carers Ireland between 19th January and 2nd March 2022. The online survey was completed by 1,484 current family carers who shared their views and experiences of what life is like for family
carers in Ireland in 2022. These carers care for a total number of 1,984 people and represent a range of caring situations – parents caring for a child with an illness or disability, those caring for an adult, carers of older people and those caring for multiple people. The survey was open to respondents aged 18 years and older. A link to the questionnaire was sent to Family Carers Ireland’s membership and disseminated via our network reach e.g. social media, website, other carer organisations, condition-specific and community organisations.

The full report may be downloaded here.

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