Without greater investment in Care, the European Union will fail to rebuild resilient societies at the service of people
Eurocarers analysis of the 2021 National Resilience and Recovery Plans
Read Eurocarers’ Position Paper
Based on a rapid analysis of the 2021 National Recovery and Resilience Plans, this Position Paper aims to provide some pointers as to how the unprecedented efforts undertaken at the European level to rebuild resilient societies should also apply to Care, if they are to reach their target. Most of the plans, be it by lack of focus, political will, or sufficient resources, indeed fail to meet the challenges faced by the formal care sector and by informal carers, who make up 10 to 20 % of the EU population. Our analysis underlines the main gaps, as well as positive examples of countries that have seized the opportunity of the Recovery and Resilience Fund to improve or redesign their care systems. The adoption of the much-needed EU Care Strategy, later on this year, must translate into greater investment in Long-term Care through the Semester process, in line with common values and goals, and in response to specific needs at national and regional levels.