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The European voice for informal carers

The Wisdom of Family Carers

It is widely understood that Family Carers are more likely to experience poor health (O’Sullivan, 2008), economic hardship (OECD, 2011), anxiety, stress, loneliness and isolation than the general population. However, the experience of caring can be incredibly rewarding. It can highlight skills and traits an individual never knew they had – determination, patience, intelligence, tenacity and boundless love, to name but a few. Over time, a Family Carer builds up knowledge about practical matters related to caring and about the emotional and other impacts of caring. In 2015, Care Alliance Ireland undertook a significant survey of Family Carers, designed to capture a “snapshot” of caring in Ireland. This discussion paper builds on the outcome of this survey, showing that the Family Carers of Ireland have a wealth of knowledge that should be shared, not only with other Family Carers, but also with support organisations that can use the information to tailor their services appropriately.

Theme The value and costs of caring

Type Research

Authors Care Alliance Ireland

Countries Ireland

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