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The European voice for informal carers

A study on family caregivers in the Canary Islands: the right to care and be cared for

In 2021, Acufade, a member of Eurocarers from Tenerife, Spain, carried out an investigation on family caregivers in the Canary Islands. This comprehensive study is now fully availñable in English. It revealed the lives of these invisible pillars of the society, their invaluable roles and the challenges they face. The research, which included over 650 interviews conducted across all the Canary Islands, provided invaluable insights into several key aspects:

  1. Sociodemographic and Economic Profiles of Family Caregivers
  2. Care Work Circumstances, Needs, and Support Resources
  3. Relevance and Utilization of Caregiver Resources
  4. The Impact of Care Work on Caregivers’ Quality of Life
  5. Caregivers’ Perspectives on Social Recognition and Potential Improvements

While the study focused on a very particular geographical area, the challenges faced by caregivers in the Canary Islands are representative of those encountered by caregivers across all of Europe. This is the reason to translate the whole study to English and make it available for a wider audience as it can offer a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the caregivers’ experiences.

Last but not least, the study aims to raise awareness about the pressing necessity to transition towards a society that prioritizes welfare, built from the recognition of everyone’s right to care and be cared for. The study serves as a vital step toward fostering this crucial recognition and initiating the necessary changes.

Download the study here

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