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The European voice for informal carers

Box of Memories (BooM) first output: A methodology handbook for dementia care

Boom project is aimed to design digital reminiscence therapy interventions for older people, thus enhancing the availability of reminiscence-based, digital, informal adult education interventions for seniors. In doing so, the pan-European partnership is working closely with museums and archives: these environments have been chosen for their particular suitability when it comes to implementing BooM interventions.

During the first months of the project, a methodological framework in the form of a handbook has been developed. It is meant to guide adult educators and other professionals working in cultural heritage and informal carers on how to support people with dementia using resources from museums and archives to implement art-based programmes. Among the contents, the handbook includes case studies and good practices at a European and international level. It also comprehends specific and practical didactical notes on how the methodological framework and the outputs can be used by adult educators and informal carers.

The partnership is now working at the second Intellectual Output of the project, the Continuous Professional Development course for adult educators: it is aimed to give participants from various sectors involved in working with memory and memory loss the opportunity to upskill and share competencies. The content development phase is ongoing.

To find out more about the BooM Programme and to get involved in the activities please click here

BooM is co-funded by the European Commission under the Grant Agreement: Erasmus + GA: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081598

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