Breaks that Benefit: International evidence to support innovation in research, policy, and practice around unpaid carer short breaks
We are happy to share a call for papers on carer breaks for a special issue of Frontiers. The closing date is end March 2024.
Enhancing support for unpaid carers who look after family members or friends is a global public health issue and a priority for social care policy and practice. Longer life expectancy, the increased prevalence of chronic and acute health conditions, the policy emphasis on care at home in the economically developed world, and continued cuts to public services have increased the demands on unpaid carers. There is compelling evidence that unpaid caring is a social determinant of poor health.
Unpaid carers identify access to short breaks taken together or apart from the person(s) they support as a priority. Various terms are used in the international research, policy, and practice literature to describe breaks provision, including:
• Replacement care
• Restorative care
• Respite care
• Short break