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The European voice for informal carers

Caring Behind Closed Doors

Our member Carers UK invites you to campaign with them for more support for unpaid carers.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of carers have had to provide more care. It has left many exhausted and close to burning out. They urgently need more support to help them through winter.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on the lives of carers and those they are caring for. A majority have had to provide extraordinary hours of care for loved ones with increasing needs during the crisis, often without the usual help from family and friends, and with limited or no support from local services.

As a result, many people providing care have been left exhausted, socially isolated and close to burnout. Adding to these considerable pressures, carers have also taken a financial hit, and seen their health and wellbeing decline.

We now need your help in telling the government that they must take more action to support carers.

Read more about their campaign here

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