Enhancing the Social Rights of Informal Carers: the way forward
Eurocarers publishes today a Policy Paper presenting how the EU should address the key challenges that informal carers face in accessing their rights, in response to a public Consultation launched by the European Commission on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. We make a series of detailed recommendations in 7 key areas, backed up by more than 25 examples of promising practices and policies in which Eurocarers’ members play an active role.
Indeed, some countries or regions have already begun to lay the foundations of carer-friendly societies. The EU must build on these breakthroughs to define common social standards for this vulnerable group whose role is so crucial, and to demonstrably improve the lives of 10 to 20% of the total European population. Addressing the diversity of carers’ situations and needs, it is important to design custom-made measures targeted at carers while taking into account their perspective in a wide range of policy domains with a bearing on their daily life.
“Informal carers shouldn’t feel abandoned”
Informal carers only received very limited targeted support during the crisis, reflecting the lack of recognition and invisibility of informal carers in our societies. This is the reason why Eurocarers’ members place great expectations in the Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights to be unveiled in May 2021. Ambitious and resolute action is needed in a series of policy areas where there is definitely room for improvement. Our contribution is therefore underpinned by a comprehensive approach, presented in detail in Eurocarers’ proposed European Strategy on carers – “10 steps towards carer-friendly societies across Europe” , and by our members’ expertise and first-hand experience which allow to illustrate our asks with promising practices and policies. This publication has been prepared with the active involvement of Eurocarers Policy Working Group.
Read Eurocarers’ Position Paper: Enhancing the Rights of Informal Carers – Eurocarers’ Response to the Consultation on the Social Pillar Action Plan – Eurocarers.
For more information on the Social Pillar, see also Eurocarers’ Briefing: The EU Pillar of Social Rights – what does it mean for Carers across Europe?