ESCAPE – trials and resources page
The ESCAPE consortium has had a busy second year with all aspects of the clinical trial, including the establishment of the specialist teams in each of ESCAPE’s six clinical trial countries, training of the local staff who will deliver the intervention, and ensuring the trial is well-monitored in compliance with good clinical practice. ESCAPE’s eHealth platform, Imergo®, which facilitates the data capture for the trial and supports the specialist teams when treating patients, is up and running after a dedicated effort from the team.
In the ESCAPE trial, we have eleven recruiting sites across six countries, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Italy and Hungary. Ensuring patients are recruited in a sufficient number and in a timely manner is our number one priority at the moment. To date, all sites have started pre-screening patients for inclusion in the clinical trial, and nearly 90 patients have been randomised thus far! Further, we are delighted that ESCAPE’s Clinical Trial Protocol has been published in ESC Heart Failure! A huge effort on behalf of the whole consortium.
Another resource we are proud to share is our Patient & Carer’s Resources Page. On this page, we have collated a list of health education resources in ESCAPE’s six different languages for patients and their carers to help encourage empowerment over their healthcare journey. This is a growing resource, so continue to check back in on the website for more!