InfoCARE: Supporting informal caregivers of people with dementia
The Erasmus+ project InfoCARE aims to support informal caregivers by providing them with non-formal education on dementia, while also using innovative devices to improve social interaction and by creating a network between informal carers through support groups. Partners from Badajoz (Spain), Vienna (Austria), Bursa (Turkey), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Copenhagen (Denmark) have worked on the following Results:
- Training on Cognitive Activities | Mind-Stimulating Activities for People with Dementia (R1)
- Remote caring | Mind-Stimulating Activities through new technologies (R2)
Partners developed a set of modules on cognitive activities for dementia patients, to provide informal caregivers with training on coping with the cognitive deterioration of the people they care for. The activities have been adapted to allow the implementation in a remote format, using innovative devices when being physically present is not possible. Each partner organisation will organise face-to-face piloting sessions and will involve at least
15 participants for a total of 75 participants to pilot and finetune the project results before their final release.
The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the project took place online in April 2023 and partners discussed the design of the R1 and R2 piloting activities and set the goals for the next steps for R3 which focus on the Support groups for relatives & legal guardians of people with dementia.
For more information about the project www.infocare.me