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The European voice for informal carers

Eurocarers’ participation in AgeingFit Conference last 28 January in Nice

AgeingFit is a European annual event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector, offering stakeholders a space for discussion and networking. The event focuses on innovation in the fields of prevention, autonomous living, active and healthy ageing, home-based care and residential care. Claire Champeix was invited to share Eurocarers’ approach in a panel entitled How is digital health transforming the relationships between patients and residents, health professionals and informal carers?’. The discussion, moderated by Liz Mestheneos (50+Hellas, GR), touching upon the role of informal carers against the backdrop of digitalisation of health and care systems, sparked participants’ interest. The event was also a good opportunity to present Eurocarers’ mission and activities and engage with a variety of actors.  A series of presentations displayed during the conference are available here.

Note that next edition of Ageing Fit will take place in Lille (France) on 26 and 27 January 2021. See here for more information.

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