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The European voice for informal carers

Evolving gender differences in heath and care

The European Center for Social Welfare Policy and Research recently launched the FutureGEN project website, which is part of their efforts to expand the reach and impact of their research on evolving gender differences in health and care. Funded through Gender-NET, FutureGEN aims to understand how entwined GENder inequalities in health and care-giving/receiving evolve across GENerations in connection with cultural and social contexts and individual realities, and how identified sex/gender inequalities may evolve in the Future.

The website provides an accessible hub for all project activities and will assist in the dissemination of research findings. The website will also host the Data Navigator – a tool with trends on inequalities in health and care receiving/giving – that will soon be available.

FutureGEN is a transnational research project funded by the Gender-Net Plus, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Swedish Research Council. It is comprised of a consortium of multi-disciplinary researchers located in three countries (Austria, Canada and Sweden).

The overarching objective of FutureGEN is to build evidence on how entwined GENder inequalities in health and care-giving/receiving evolve across GENerations in connection with cultural and social contexts and individual realities, and how identified sex/gender inequalities may evolve in the FUTURE. In doing so FutureGEN will identify opportunities to achieve SDG3 and SGD5 through improved policies.

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