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The European voice for informal carers

Grandchildren as Caregivers: Adding a New Layer to the Sandwich Generation

Although 10% of family caregivers are grandchildren, only a few studies have examined the experience of grandchildren who provide care to grandparents. The current study examined the caregiving processes and outcomes of grandchild caregivers to grandparents. Participants were (N  =  5,778) adults identified as a caregiver, including 311 adult grandchildren. Analyses showed that although caregivers to grandparents did not differ significantly from other family caregivers in terms of depression, grandchildren did differ on a variety of demographic and caregiving context variables. A hierarchical binary logistic regression showed that providing personal care and helping with household tasks contribute to the equation, however, grandchild status did not uniquely contribute to the equation after other elements of the caregiving and personal contexts were entered. Post-hoc analyses identified additional predictors within the group of grandchild caregivers. The current study is an important starting point in understanding the experiences of grandchildren caregivers.

Read the article here.

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