Join the MATUROLIFE closing online event on 18 May, 09:30 CEST
Integrating Smart Textiles into Assistive Technology: A Successful Human-centered Case Study for the Silver Economy
The three-year EU-funded Horizon 2020 project, MATUROLIFE, will be organising its final online event on 18th May.
Learn more about this project, where Eurocarers together with AGE Platform EU coordinated the involvement of older persons (+65) and their informal carers, who participated early on in workshops held in 9 partner countries across Europe to express their key concerns and priorities to remain independent and reassured in their daily lives.
In the last phase of the project, older persons and their carers were recruited in order to obtain their final views on the three prototypes that were finally developed: smart shoes, sofa, and shirt, and participated in a number of remote online demonstration and testing sessions.
This final event is targeted at a wide range of participants to present the final project outcomes and the smart technology (printing, plating, and data analytics) that have been integrated into the Maturolife prototypes.
To register, please go here.