‘Mental health and the pandemic: living, caring, acting!’
10-16 May is European Mental Health Awareness Week, a pan-European initiative that aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health in our everyday lives.
This year’s theme ‘Mental Health Matters’ will shed a spotlight on mental health as a high-profile societal issue as well as a deeply personal experience for everyone during the pandemic and beyond. Over a year of pandemic, lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions have put a strain on many people’s mental health. We are all experiencing a different pandemic. Some experience the loss of a loved one, miss friends or family; others lost their workplace security and feel lonely, stressed and uncertain about the future. Now, more than ever, our mental health matters.
During the European Mental Health Week – on 10 May 2021– DG SANTE hosted the high level conference ‘Mental health and the pandemic: living, caring, acting!’ This virtual event aims to highlight the mental health impact of COVID-19 along five themes – understanding – living – caring – responding – acting
- giving a voice to those affected
- illustrating what it means to live in a world defined by COVID-19; looking at the situation of different groups in our society, including people with pre-existing mental health problems and those providing care
- sharing examples and promising practices
- exploring what we know and what we need to understand better
- discussing how to ensure that our health systems are well-equipped, now and in the future
The streaming of the Conference is open to all and no login is needed. You can access it here.
Eurocarers Executive Director – Stecy Yghemonos – presented at the Conference. Marjet Karssenberg- young carer from the Netherlands, member of the ME-WE Blended Learning Network and of the Eurocarers Young Carers Working Group- shared her powerful testimonial.
A detailed programme can be accessed here.
Further information on Mental Health Week – set up and run by Mental Health Europe, the largest independent mental health NGO – can be found here.