Mobile game for adults with intellectual disabilities
Adults with Intellectual Disabilities often exhibit traits that affect their personal lives. Characteristics such as difficulties in speech, memory, attention, thinking, and opposition. This results in their low self-esteem and limited sociability. New technologies, including the use of mobile phones for games, have the potential to enhance mental retardation. Based on these needs of adults with Intellectual Disabilities, the European Erasmus + program “Game4CoSkills” was launched to enhance mental skills, as well as learning strategies through an innovative mobile game. The program will last 24 months and six countries participate, France (Interactive 4D), Austria (Austrian Association of Inclusive Society-AIS), Italy (Euro-Net), Greece (Alzheimer Hellas), Cyprus (Synthesis Center for Research and Education) and Turkey (Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği). A total of 180 people will participate, 120 adults with Intellectual Disabilities (20 people from each country) and 60 adult caregivers (10 from each country). The purpose of this program is to create a mobile game, through which to promote the development of mental skills such as memory, calculation, perception, speech, dexterity, versatility and attention to detail, but also appropriate learning strategies.
Aristi Alopoudi, Speech and language therapist, Alzheimer Hellas
Makri Marina, Psychotherapist, Alzheimer Hellas
Magda Tsolaki, Neuropsychiatric Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Chair of Panhellenic Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease