National Action-Day Young Carers Austria
World Children’s Day, held on 20th November 2022, marks also Austria’s 2nd National Action Day for Caring Children and Adolescents. As the Interest Group for Informal Carers in Austria, we have raised our voice this year by handing out 50.000 action cards across the country, to call for necessary support measures for this group of young carers. As adults, it is our responsibility to become aware of young carers, and make sure they are not left alone with their caring responsibilities, often often carried out unnoticed.
Children who take on translating and interpreting roles for non-German speaking parents in the health and long-term care system are also comprised within the group of young carers, and thus similarly need more public support.
We as the National Interest Group will continue to draw attention to young carers.
Please find more information on the website of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (in German): Nationaler Aktionstag für pflegende Kinder und Jugendliche (sozialministerium.at)