Online Certificate in Integrated Care
The Integrated Care Foundation is excited to start their second cohort of students in their Online Certificate in Integrated Care on 1 November.
You will find below some information relating to the course including requirements and registration details. You may apply until this Friday, 22 October. There are some bursary spaces available for patients and carers too!
The Certificate in Integrated Care has been designed using IFIC’s 9 Pillars of Integrated Care as a module based course of online learning. The accessible, high quality programme is offered through our digital, innovative and dynamic online learning platform. This comprehensive introductory level self-managed Certificate in Integrated Care accredited by CPD Standards UK delivered 100% online and in the comfort of your own home.
The course is based on The 9 Pillars of Integrated Care with the 5 modules as follows:
- Module 1: Introduction to Integrated Care with Shared Values and Vision
- Module 2: Workforce Capacity and Capability + People as Partners in Health and Care
- Module 3: System-wide Governance and Leadership + Aligned Payments Systems
- Module 4: Population Health and Local Context + Resilient Communities and New Alliances
- Module 5: Digital Solutions + Transparency of Progress, Results and Impact
The course will run over 8 weeks and requires 30 hours minimum study time. It does have some live elements such as live tutorial sessions and live questions and answers sessions with experts in each pillar. These live Q+A sessions will be recorded to ensure accessibility for everyone.
This course is an introduction to the subject and is therefore accessible to all those with an interest in integrated care principles, but will be particularly relevant to those working within healthcare, social care, community and other public service design or delivery from public, private and third/voluntary sectors, emerging researchers and students in associated subject areas, patients or caregivers and agency, government employees and policy makers.
The course language is English and a high proficiency (European level C1) is necessary.
Registration is now open until Friday, 22 October. The price of the course is £550 and special rates are available for Low and Middle Income countries and Bursary places are available for patients and carers. Please contact academy@integratedcarefoundation.org
for more information.