Results of the first pilot tryout of the “Game4CoSkills” in the Greek population
Alzheimer Hellas is one of the partners of the project “Game4CoSkills” http://game4coskills.eu/ which is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. By the “Game4CoSkills” project is created a Mobile Game for the development of cognitive skills and concept teaching for adults with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) to use individually or in a group format.
The duration of this project is 24 months and the countries which are participating are France (Interactive 4D), Austria (Austrian Association of Inclusive Society-AIS), Italy (Euro-Net), Greece (Greek Association of Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders), Cyprus (Synthesis Center for Research and Education) and Turkey (Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği). The mobile game covers multiple cognitive skills development and concept teaching strategies and grows more challenging as performance improves on colour, memory, math, accuracy, logic, dexterity, multitasking and attention to details. By using this way, adults with ID will participate in enjoyable group activities to have to experience mobile games. For more information, you can visit our website http://www.game4coskills.eu/.
The results of the first tryout showed that both trainers and adults with ID enjoyed the process of playing the game. The assessment of the mobile game refers to a new interesting mobile app that has the potential to improve the cognitive skills of adults with ID. It is an easy and enjoyable tool that can be used daily at no cost. Adults with ID claimed that this app is very helpful, gives them the motivation to continue playing the game and they have the interest to interact more with the game. Thus, this is a new mobile game with many benefits for adults with ID and they will be able to use it when it is completed. The data show that adults claimed that they believe this app will help them to improve their cognitive skills, but the improvement depends on the systematic use of the game and the time they spend practicing their cognitive skills.