Gaming against ageism in Bulgaria
Alzheimer Bulgaria is part of the consortium of the SAA (“Smart Against Ageism”) project. Smart Against Ageism is a gaming tool to raise knowledge against ageism. It will contribute to developing more empathy and tolerance with older adults.
The partners are actively working on the four project results. In the summer of 2024 all products will be available. The project results are as follows:
- The Learning platform consisting of a game which provides a variety of situations in different societal spheres where older people are discriminated.
- The Compendium provides an overview of the phenomenon of ageism, how to improve the awareness for it and understand its impacts from the perspective of those who are discriminated against.
- The Learning toolkit for trainers provides the opportunity for the game to be used in workshops.
- The brochure with Recommendations for policy-makers and associations also provides valid background information and recommendations for actions and facilitates the sharing, promotion and adoption of the learning approach.
The Compendium is already available online. The partners are testing and developing the other three project results.
Stay tuned and follow our website to learn more: