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The European voice for informal carers

Seeking informal carers who have supported  individuals living with stroke

A PhD student Elton Lobo, Deakin University Australia, from the Smart Home for Support for Stroke Care research project is seeking informal carers who have supported  individuals living with stroke. The research study aims to identify caregivers’ needs and experiences in supporting people with stroke and their technological knowledge. The outcomes of this study are two-fold. Firstly, they would like to identify the needs and burden of stroke caregiving to create a discussion in the health and research community regarding best policies and practice to support these individuals; and present a technological solution that considers these strategies to show its possibilities.

They hope to be able to connect with stroke caregivers to participate in an online survey of approximately 45 minutes to share their needs and experiences. Should you be interested to participate, please see further information and register your interest on the study website:, or contact Mr Lobo at

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