Public & Patient Involvement in Ireland – A Guide for Not-For-Profit and Community Groups New to Research
For the past three years, Care Alliance Ireland has been pleased to be part of a collaborative project with the University of Limerick and other partners on the topic of Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) in Health Research, funded by the Health Research Board. As part of our work on the project, we led the development of a guide for not-for-profit groups new to research, which was launched in February 2021.
The guide is available on our website at https://bit.ly/PPIIgniteNFPGuide. Topics covered are;
- What is PPI?
- What are the stages of research?
- What can PPI contribute to your organisation?
- What can your organisation contribute to research?
- So your organisation has been approached by a researcher – what next?
- Challenges faced by PPI researchers
- Resources for organisations
- Glossary of PPI terms
We look forward to continuing our collaboration with UL as the PPI Ignite project moves into the next phase of work at a national level.